The word is out. The Karoo Space e-Bookstore is on a roll.
Orders for e-book bundles are coming in from all over South Africa as our annual travelling season kicks into gear.
South Africans currently overseas are visiting the e-Bookstore as well, picking out souvenirs from home.
Shops around the Karoo have stocked up on our print editions (Karoo Keepsakes I and II) and travellers now have the option of print or e-Books to take along as their companions through South Africa’s heartland.
Caroline Hurry of the highly-regarded travel website ( is a big Karoo Space supporter:
“Julienne du Toit and Chris Marais are two of South Africa’s finest journalists and reading their stories is a delicious pleasure.”
Jenny Crwys-Williams, the book doyen of South Africa, says:
“The authors are discovering parts of the Karoo that people don’t even know exist.”
Professor Bruce Rubidge, world-renowned palaeontologist and a man with deep roots in the Karoo, say:
“You have done so much to publicise the Karoo. You understand it and its wonderful people so well.”
Add to that the views of a travelling reader like Carol Wolsink from the Netherlands:
“A few months ago I had the opportunity to travel to South Africa, and found the most amazing book called Karoo Keepsakes. What a beautiful, brilliant book. Here in Holland I have re-read it many times. One just cannot put a book like this down, it just captures your heart!”
Our print partner, SA Country Life magazine, has always been a great Karoo supporter. This is what Julia Lloyd of Country Life has to say about our books:
“Their work is a never-ending quilt, stitched in place with sensitivity and delight, and one that invites us to revel in all the people and all the places of our country’s heart, and kick up our heels in its glorious, gritty dust.”
We’re currently talking to the many readers who have shopped at our e-Bookstore and will soon be highlighting their comments, reactions and personal Karoo travel stories.
Visit the Karoo Space e-Bookstore quick as you can – there’s a special spring travel deal on the go right now!
Great Info, Loved it. Please take a look at some of mine – they relate to my travels and novel which was just released. I hope you like 🙂 here is the link: .. Gavin