Moving to the Platteland Wins in Richmond

moving to the platteland
moving to the platteland
Moving to the Platteland – a winner at the SA Independent Publishers Awards 2018.

One of the winners at the 2018 South African Independent Publishers Awards presented recently at the Boekbedonnerd Festival in Richmond, Northern Cape, was Moving to the Platteland – Life in Small Town South Africa.

Lead author Julienne du Toit of Karoo Space was thrilled.

“This is our biggest project in more than 10 years,” she said. “And so far the reaction from our readers has surpassed all expectations. We value all our past awards from Richmond Boekbedonnerd, but this one is somehow very special.”

Co-author Chris Marais said the cover, provided by Richmonder Nicol Grobler of the Karoo Padstal, also helped to give the book its great impetus.booklo 3

“Nicol captured a very special moment in time, a sundown scene shot shortly after long-awaited rains, and for once our massive Karoo Space photo archives had to stand back and let this image rule.”

Julienne assured the crowd during her presentation that because the book tracked the trend of ‘semigration’ in South Africa, it would be updated with fresh information at each printing.

“Normally we publish timeless memento books like the Karoo Keepsakes series and travel companions like Road Tripper – Eastern Cape Karoo,” she said. “But this book opens the discussion on whether you should or could move to the South African platteland – and it’s a dynamic, ever-changing conversation.”

If you’re thinking of a move to a quieter, possibly more fulfilling life in the country, be sure to get Moving to the Platteland as your trusty ‘incomer’s companion’.Moving Lo Res (3)

The Print Version HERE

The Ebook Version HERE

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