Sold only in selected stores – not all of them dedicated book shops – and from our Shop on this website, Karoo Keepsakes I appeals to those who like travel, good writing and photography.
In Karoo Keepsakes I, you’ll hear about the dassie–eagle wars, Victorian architecture, the outsider artists, the crazy adventurers of the 18th century, the rituals of the huiskonsert, the Nama Stap, the Scottish stockbroker who loves the company of farmers, ghosts, UFOs, all manner of eccentrics, festivals, earthworms, folded mountains, country divas and lost valleys.
We want you to sit at our lunchtime table and listen to some new stories of an ancient place. And then join us in the dusty old bakkie on a dirt road voyage through our backyard – the Karoo.
Contact Chris Marais & Julienne du Toit
Tel: +27 (0) 48 881 2660, Mobile: +27 (0) 82 500 5344
Chris: features@global.co.za Julienne: julie@karoospace.co.za
Get your copy now!
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