Grand Prix Season in the Karoo!

philipstown wire cars
The famous Wire Car (draadkarretjie) racers of Philipstown, as depicted by Bloemfontein artist Marcia van der Merwe.

The Philipstown Draadkar (Wire Car) Festival is one of the highlights of the Northern Cape Summer diary and, right up there with the Nama Riel dancers of the Williston Festival, simply cannot be missed.

Here’s the programme:

draadkar-program (3)

If you want to know more about Philipstown, its kids, its crafters and the incredible wire cars they will be racing, CLICK HERE. Saturday, October 10, is the day Philipstown shines. Put this on your Summer Bucket List and book your accommodation through Nannie van der Walt 081 045 3033. For general enquiries: Kay Fourie: 083 277 4142.

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