On their three-month journey, they meet the weird and the wonderful, the criminal and the crazy elements of seaside South Africa.
The issues, the drama, the history, the adventure and the comic humour one finds every day on the coast of this country make for an enthralling armchair-travel read.
Shorelines is all about diamond divers, surfers, skippers home from the sea, fishermen, smart baboons, dodgy developers, Rastafarians, Cadillac collectors, forest adventurers, Xhosa nannies, sushi chefs, Zulu shield-makers, abalone poachers and a modern-day Robinson Crusoe.
It’s a generous slice of South African life, with all its foibles, squabbles and the occasional homicidal oyster. Come in, the water’s fine – for now…
Contact Chris Marais & Julienne du Toit
Tel: +27 (0) 48 881 2660
Mobile: +27 (0) 82 500 5344
Chris: features@global.co.za
Julienne: julie@karoospace.co.za
Hi there Chris and Jules,
I was sitting here on a rock on the beach in Paternoster chatting to Dixi on my cell, telling her of this amazing page I found on fb on the Karoo and of these books that I found there, when she told me that you two had produced books on the Karoo and ‘Lo and Behold’, there the two of you are, up in ‘lights’ on the front covers of all of these amazing books.
Well done you two. Hats off to you. Your books look incredible.
All love,
Leslie Mackie
(Dixi’s sister)
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