Karoo Magic: Wedding of the Year

By Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit

The files of the Jansenville Chronicle, owned and edited by Sid Fourie for 45 years, reveal a florid account of a local marriage between a 71-year-old Mr Crouse to a 21-year-old Miss Crouse back in 1922.

“Punctually at a quarter past two, the couple motored down the street, followed by a commando on horseback and some carts. Everywhere, people came rushing to their doors or windows, to witness the somewhat singular spectacle.”

Winter ties the knot with Spring down at the courthouse and, amidst a roar of mirthful cheers, Mr and Mrs Crouse drive off to their home at the nearby Vergenoegd rural settlement.

“People from far and near arrived on foot, horseback, cart or wagon to congratulate the couple and to chase away the glowing hours with flying feet. The heavenly globe had scarcely sunk behind the hills, when concertina and guitar came into commission, and truly can it be said, not a note was lost.”

Many locals have to watch from a distance because the attending crowd is simply too big.

“Full justice was done to the old-time custom of the all-night dance. Hearts were light and feet lighter still. The fantastic Toe & Jackal Walk were all the rage, and the hours glided by unnoticeably…until the morning star…when the old concertina gave its last squeak.”

Despite the well-wishes of the Chronicle, the marriage lasts only one week. Unfortunately, the records are silent on the reasons for the annulment.

We have published a large catalogue of print and ebooks on the Karoo available HERE and HERE or contact julie@karoospace.co.za for prices and courier details.

3 thoughts on “Karoo Magic: Wedding of the Year

  1. Julienne du Toit says:

    Wish we knew why the marriage only lasted a week! Maybe the reality of the 50 year age difference between the bride and bridegroom suddenly hit home?

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